Accessibility : LEN Filter & Network Technology



The worldwide web can be a great enabler and source of freedom and ability for disabled audiences, giving them the resources to better contribute to society. However, the usefulness of worldwide web to these disabled users, and our aging users, depends on its accessibility.

For the visually impaired, and Deaf and hard of hearing people as well as those with motor or cognitive disabilities we aim to ensure that their needs are addressed in all services provided through this web site.

Text Resizing

In most modern web browsers you can resize HTML text. To do so please follow these simple guides:

Internet Explorer

  1. Open the ‘View’ menu with the mouse or by pressing ‘Alt + V’.
  2. Select the ‘Text Size’ option with the mouse or by pressing ‘X’.
  3. Choose your preferred text size with the mouse or by using the up and down arrow keys and pressing ‘Enter’ or by clicking on it.
  4. The text on our website should now have changed to reflect your choice.


  1. Open the ‘View’ menu with the mouse or by press ‘Alt + V’ at the same time.
  2. Select the ‘Text Size’ option with the mouse or by pressing ‘S’ twice.
  3. Increase or decrease the text size with the mouse or by using the up and down arrow keys and pressing ‘Enter’.
  4. Alternatively you can press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘+’ to increase the text size, ‘Ctrl’ and ‘–’ to decrease the text size. ‘Ctrl’ and ‘0’ returns you to the default size.

* Please note that some text on this site is actually displayed as images and as a result will not automatically resize, however for the most part all main content text is resizable by our users.